Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Flag

"It has become so to-day that when you see the flag boldly and proudly displayed you smell a rat somewhere. The flag has become a cloak to hide iniquity. We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it it means danger, revolution, anarchy. "

The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, Henry Miller, New Directions Publishing Corp,
1945, p. 37.
Written during a 1941 cross-country road trip of the United States of America by author and artist Henry Miller.

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Blogger l peat oneil said...

One of the hallmarks of our species is our ability not only to adapt to our environment, but also to change the environment to better suit us.
A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman, Vintage Books, 1991, p. 250.

But who decides what suits "us"?
Who is to be trusted with change?

12:12 PM  

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